
International Federation of Automatic Control International Federation of Automatic Control
The International Federation of Automatic Control was founded in September 1957. Our multinational federation is concerned with automatic control and its representation in the fields of engineering, science and the impact of control technology on society. Join us in challenging the new era in electronic communication, publication and exchange of ideas.
Université de Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux
The University of Bordeaux, heir to a history of nearly six centuries, is a multidisciplinary university with deep regional roots that reach out to the European and international level. It is now striving to rise to the challenge of environmental and societal transitions and improve the well-being of its entire community.
Bordeaux INP/Enseirb-Matmeca Bordeaux INP/Enseirb-Matmeca
ENSEIRB-MATMECA – Bordeaux INP (Bordeaux Graduate School in Electronics, Computer Science, Telecommunications, Mathematics and Mechanics) is a Bordeaux INP engineering school that trains engineers in five scientific disciplines covering the field of digital technology in broad terms.
Bordeaux INP Bordeaux INP
Created in 2009, Bordeaux INP groups together 6 internal schools and 3 partner schools. These 9 public engineering graduate schools, members of the Bordeaux INP Nouvelle-Aquitaine Group, count 3,400 students and offer 22 engineering specialisations including 8 through apprenticeship programmes.
Région Nouvelle Aquitaine Région Nouvelle Aquitaine
The largest region in France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a rich, diverse and attractive territory. The regional council bears important responsibilities in the daily lives of citizens.
IMS Bordeaux is a renowned research laboratory that has gained recognition both nationally and internationally. The laboratory focuses on ten research themes including bioelectronics, cognitics, productics, signal and image, automatic, conception, reliability, nanoelectronics, waves, and organic. The laboratory emphasizes research where all the themes are interconnected. The laboratory is at the forefront of technology, and its strong industrial partnerships enable IMS Bordeaux to be a major player in research in France.
The objective of SAGIP is to structure and promote the disciplines represented in its fields of activity.
GdR MACS is a structure of scientific animation on Automatic Control and - Productics. Its role is to help the structuration of research and common synergies by regrouping the forces in the fields covered by the GdR. It has a motor role to amplify the research actions in progress, to facilitate the emergence of new research thematics particularly flourishing, but also to defend the specificities and the scientific issues in our field towards the institutions and the financing organisms.
Structuring research on the robustness of autonomous systems - especially decision making - for use in the fields of transportation, industry and agriculture.
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