The submission website is now opened.
Note that there is no need to registrate for the inital submission. The registration is required only for the final submission, after acceptance (starting on April 1 2024).
All papers and proposals must be submitted electronically using the IFAC PaperPlaza conference manuscript management system:
At this web page, scroll down to the banner of ICFDA 2024 and select 'Submit a contribution to ICFDA 2024.
Scroll down up to the banner of the conference ICFDA 2024:
When submitting a contribution to ICFDA 2024, the contributor is first asked to choose among the types of submissions listed in the next table. The table summarizes the main characteristics of each submission type. See also the call for papers for detailed descriptions of the different submission types.
Type of Submission | Page limits for initial submission |
Page limits for final submission |
Publication | Initial submission deadline |
Contributed Regular paper | 4-6 max | 4-6 max | IFAC-PapersOnLine |
30-Nov-23 – extended (firm) 15-Jan-24 |
Contributed survey paper | 12 max | 12max | IFAC-PapersOnLine |
30-Nov-23 – extended (firm) 15-Jan-24 |
Contributed discussion paper | 4 max | 4 max | Preprints only |
30-Nov-23 – extended (firm) 31-Jan-24 |
Open invited track proposal | 4-6 max |
15-Nov-23 – extended (firm) 10-Jan-24 |
Open invited track paper | 6 max | 6 max | IFAC-PapersOnLine |
30-Nov-23 – extended (firm) 15-Jan-24 |
Open invited track survey paper | 12 max | 12 max | IFAC-PapersOnLine |
30-Nov-23 – extended (firm) 15-Jan-24 |
Open invited track discussion paper | 4 max | 4 max | Preprints only |
30-Nov-23 – extended (firm) 31-Jan-24 |
Tutorial proposal | 6 max |
30-Nov-23 – extended (firm) 31-Jan-24 |
For open invited tracks, everyone is welcome to submit even if not personally invited by the organizers. You can submit contributions to any of the tracks. The list of proposed open invited track topics will be uploaded to this web page after we receive proposals. If you feel that your contribution fits the topic of a track, select 'open invited track paper' as submission type and use the code (to be shown in the list) of the track you choose at the second step of submission.
At the second step, the contributor is asked to fill in a form with the following items:
By default, contributions to open invited tracks are evaluated within the technical area chosen by the track organizer. If a paper to be submitted to an open invited track has a multi-area nature, the authors can suggest different keywords for evaluation and review. The IPC may then reassign the submission to the appropriate technical committee for the reviewing process.
At the third and final step of submission, the contributor uploads his/her contribution that should fulfill the format constraints (use the IFAC paper format here). All submissions must be written in English and prepared according to the IFAC format. See the support page where tools are provided for managing formatting issues.
Important Information for Manuscript Preparation
At this third step the authors are allowed to upload additional documents. This is intended for submissions in the demonstrator category: If you intend to bring your demonstrator device to the ICFDA 2024, please provide an additional document describing the needed space and needed equipments in the session room.
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